How did we get here
E-Director was started in 2005 in the UK to deliver outsourced IT Directorships to SME companies that had such a requirement but not a full time role. E-Director has represented multinational companies from a number of different market segments over the years.
We’ve specialised in particular in the medical and management consulting arenas.

What Can We Do For You
Plug effortlessly into an existing Channel
Access to many Govt. sectors in many countries
Get visibility and a ready sales force to push your solution
Manage your international projects for on-time delivery
Our reseller and customer base includes everything from Government, Military and Specialised Govt services to Central banks, Credit Bureaus, Client banks and all sorts of industry from Airlines to Oil with representation throughout the MENA region.

Meet the People Behind
Our Success.
Every venture requires visionaries and leaders who head from the front leaving no stone unturned to not only lead but also set benchmarks for the rest of the team to follow and succeed. Global E Directors is proud to have such dedicated and valued professionals.
Our group of elite leaders, contemporaries in their own field, have added the right value to the business, making Global E Director viable, growth friendly and resistant to the changing environment. It is their vision; ideologies and tireless efforts that have helped the business foster and grow manifold.


Regional Director
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